There once were three brothers who were travelling…


“And then he greeted Death as an old friend, and went with him gladly, and, as equals, they departed this life.”

It’s easily my favourite moment in The Deathly Hallows Part 1. When Xenophilius Lovegood explains what the Deathly Hallows actually are and where the came from.

Like most legends in this world, they’re probably based on something real.

To quote Han Solo, “it’s true… all of it”.

A long time ago three brothers were travelling and came to a great river. Being learned in magic they created a bridge to cross.

It was then that Death appeared. He felt cheated of three lives as this river was so perilous to cross.

So death being cunning offered to create three objects for each brother. Three objects you could file under the be careful what you wish for category.

The Elder Wand
The Resurrection Stone
The Cloak of Invisibility


The Elder Wand
The most powerful wand ever created. Given to Antioch Peverell he feels invisible winning duel after duel… Right up to the point where his throat is slit in the middle of the night and the wand moved to another.

Death claimed the first of the brothers.


The Resurrection Stone
Given to Cadmus Peverell. He used the object to bring back to life a lost love. But no one can be brought truly back and when the truth of this sinks in he takes his own life to be with the one he loves.

Death claimed the 2nd of the brothers.


The Cloak of Invisibility
Given to Ignotus Peverell. Slightly different from the other two Hallows, Ignotus uses this to evade death his whole life. Until he is an old man, when he sheds the cloak and greats Death as an equal and gladly departs the world.

And so Death claimed the final brother.

Would you want all three? Would you even want one? That kind of power brings out the worst in the holder and all surrounding it.

Perhaps some things should not be meddled with, not even by wizards and witches.

Still, perhaps with heart as pure as Harry Potter it would be ok.

… He did have a lot in common with Voldemort though.

Didn’t he…

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